Kick-off workshop ECP Home Textiles Bogota

July 24, 2007 (Proexport – Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries CBI)
The workshop is intended for companies that are interested to join the CBI Eport Coaching Programme on “Home Textiles”. The workshop is organized together with PROEXPORT from Colombia. To international entrepreneurs, Europe is potentially one of the most profitable markets in the world. At the same time it is also a competitive, sophisticated and dynamic market.
Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries CBI) To be successful at the European market requires insight in consumer demand for design, quality, presentation and communication. Prices have dropped due to the rise of bulk-order textile, but at the same
time this has increased demand for exclusive and authentic Home Textiles with high quality finishing and (eco)friendly production.

The question is how to make home textiles meet this sophisticated European consumer demand and become a successful exporter in the European market? In order to achieve this, the CBI has developed a very practical Export Coaching Programme for Home Textiles. Approved participant will receive individual support over a number of years by means of on-site consultancy, training schemes, market information, trade fair participation and business-to-business activities.

The programme follows a step-by-step approach, starting with a careful selection, followed by technical assistance and training, market entry and consolidation of business contacts.

If you wish to register for this workshop please contact ms. Blum (

Publicado en: Capacitación, Colombia, Comercio Exterior, Exportador, Proexport

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